Friday 15 June 2007

Meandering Off to Europe

Well tomorrow my blog and I meander (well actually fly) off to Europe for 2 months. Besides a little time in London, I will spend most of it travelling around Eastern Europe - Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania to be be precise. After flying into Prague, I will travel on trains and buses, stopping to explore the history, culture, food and nature of different areas, until I end up in Bucharest.

Many people are aghast when I tell them I am travelling on my own. Of course, like most activities there are advantages and disadvantages. Number 1 is that if I waited for someone to travel with, I might end up not going anywhere. Number 2 could be considered a selfish advantage, while travelling I am free to do what I want, when I want. Number 3 - I'm sure I will get to meet many people and in many cases that is easier for a single traveller than a couple or group as one person is considered more approachable. Disadvantages - nobody to look after your bags if you want to go to the toilet, there isn't always someone there to talk to and I'm sure there is more . . . . . . . but I don't think I will think too hard about it now.

I hope to continue this blog as I travel around Europe, time and internet connections permitting, so check in regularly to see where I am and what I am doing. Until August, au revoir Maroc!


Tracey said...

Another disadvantage is not having anyone to reminisce with later. But I'm with you. It's a different experience on your own, not always easier (usually not, though I've travelled with a few people that drove me batty) but always rewarding.

And when people are aghast -- do you tell them where you've been? It's not like you're some naive newbie venturing into the great unknown. I don't think I know a more-experienced traveller. Or a more-travelled one.

Don't forget to blog when you can, and post photos if you can. Look forward to reading about it.

Cat in Rabat ( كات في الرباط) said...

Bon voyage & travel safe.